Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Calculate Scale Dialog

Allows scaling to be set based on other variables.

Opens when clicking on the Calc button in the Map Finishing Print dialog.

Scale Factor

Sets the scale per the desired measurement units. The larger the Scale value, the smaller the printed image. The scale is read as 1:2.00, meaning 2 meters of image per millimeter of paper.

Specify Print Dimensions

Scales the image per a specified width and height. Ratio is maintained.

Percentage of Paper Size

Scales the image as a percentage of paper size. For example, if 75% is specified, the image occupies 75% of the page.


Specifies the width and height of the offset, which determines where the image is placed on the print output. For example, if width is set at 20 and height at 30, the left corner of the image is placed 20 units to the left and 30 units to the top. Offset is visible in the preview.

Photo Reduction Options

Photo-reduces line weights either by paper size or a percentage.

  • Paper size - line weight appears in the printed output as if it was printed on the specified paper size.

  • Percentage - line weight is reduced according to the specified percentage.


Applies the scale settings and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without applying the scale settings.